MATLAB: Conversion from char to cell is not possible

char to celldouble to cell

Hi I am trying to copy a cell array of strings to a cell array of cell arrays.
A = [8×3 char]
B = [8×1 double]
C = {8×2 cell}
C{1}(:,1) = A{1}; C{1}(:,2) = B{1};
how can i copy the strings in A cell to the first column of C cell and the integer data in B cell to 2nd column of C cell.
if i give like C{1}(:,1) = {A{1}};
A value is copied to all the rows in column 1 of C.
[8×3 char]
[8×3 char]
[8×3 char]

Best Answer

Despite your statement, A is not a cell array, but a 2D char array. You can convert A into a cell array of char vectors using cellstr. So:
C = [cellstr(A), num2str(B)]
would be the simplest way to obtain what you want.
Note: Since R2016b, string is a new type different from the char arrays you're using. To avoid ambiguity use the term char array (or vector) instead of string.