MATLAB: Conv gets central frequency wrong in voigt profile if you add the frequency offset twice

convconvolutionfrequency shiftgaussianlineshapelorentzianoffsetvoigt

I can generate a Voigt profile by convolving a Lorentzian and Gaussian line shape using the Matlab conv command. If the Lorentzian and Gaussian line shapes are zero-based, then this works great. But if I have an offset in the x-axis, then that offset gets doubled in the convolution. Here is the code:
clear; close all;
lwid = 1;
gwid = 10;
fzer = -10;
fi = linspace(-100,100,10001);
y1 = (((fi - fzer)./lwid).^2 + 1).^(-1);
y2 = exp(-(fi-fzer).^2 ./ (2*gwid^2));
y3 = conv(y1,y2);
x3 = linspace(2*min(fi),2*max(fi),2*length(fi)-1);
y3 = y3 ./ max(y3);
The convolution y3 has a "center" frequency at twice fzer. Apparently this can be avoided if you only offset ONE of either the Lorentzian or Gaussian profiles.

Best Answer

I don't think there's anything out of the ordinary or unexpected in the result you're seeing. It's well known that signal shifts are additive under convolution.
As a simpler example, it is a basic result that the convolution of impulse(t-T1) with impulse(t-T2) is another impulse centered at t=T1+T2.