MATLAB: Controlling cursor in uitable


Hello, i have a uitable in gui sometimes i need to put the cursor in specific cell programmaticly how i can do that ,Thanks ?

Best Answer

No, you cannot do this from the Matlab level. There is most likely an undocumented Java method to achieve a setting of the cursor, but this will most likely depend on the Matlab version.
Finally I suggest to add your question to Answers: Wanted feature for uitabel and uitree and send a request to the technical support. The GUI capabilities of Matlab have a great potential for improvements and TMW should be encourage to use it. I repeat my self: When enough persons ask for improvements and TMW implements them today, they will be included in Matlab 2013a, such that >50% of the Matlab users will have this feature 2015. And then a Matlab GUI will be as powerful as the GUIs I've developped 1986 on my Atari ST.