MATLAB: Control Arduino using gamepad through simulink

arduinocontroldesktop real-timegaempadhardwarejoysticksimulinkSimulink Desktop Real-Timesupport package

Hello I'm trying to control arduino using gamepad in real-time through simulink. I made a simple block to control the on-board LED of Arduino Uno
The arduino uses Arduino support package and the gamepad is from Simulink Desktop Real-Time. I know that boht use different system target files from the error message I receive when I run it.
Error: The system target file is set to "ert.tlc". Simulink Desktop Real-Time block 'LED_Test/Digital Input' requires it to be set to either "sldrt.tlc" or "sldrtert.tlc".
Component:Simulink | Category:Model error
I tried variable-step under solver selection but then it can't run arduino package.
Is there a way to make it work?

Best Answer

It is not possible to use Arduino with Simulink Desktop Real-Time in External Mode. However, it is possible to use Arduino with Simulink Desktop Real-Time in Normal Mode. Go to the SIMULATION toolstrip tab and run the model from there.