MATLAB: Control a third party GUI using Matlab

control gui

Is there a way to communicate with a third party GUI to select features listed on the GUI?

Best Answer

Yes it is possible. Have a look at this guide and the other manuals here.
You will need to make an ethernet connection to the device, which is the main reason that the Instrument Control Toolbox is listed. But instead of the ICT you could probably download the MATLAB File Exchange contribution named "tcpudpip" which offers the same TCP interface.
The code contained within the #20000 download you linked to above is almost all just structured interface generation. Using the device without that interface would likely be less convenient, but it should be possible if you work through the documentation and write the interface yourself.
I have some experience with writing software interfaces to ethernet-connected devices. In my experience, sometimes the interface is very simple to write once you have established the TCP connection -- but if not, then while it might not exactly be "hard" to write, it often turns out to be tedious to write and debug and to uncover the undocumented design flaws and figure out how to program around them.
If you are familiar with working with TCP and familiar with talking to devices from MATLAB, and if the device interface happens to be straight-forward, then getting the data flowing might only be a day's work. But if those conditions do not hold, often it is more productive and more time-effective and more cost-effective to purchase the toolbox.