MATLAB: Contributors metainfo: reputation and more


As asked by Vieniava in "How to make a list of user's reputation?", some of us came up with interesting ideas on how to fill an updated list with the reputation scores of the contributors to Answers.
I took the initiative to compile a public list of users with meta info:
  • position (desc ordering by reputation)
  • id
  • nickname (truncated to fit the page)
  • reputation
  • # of comments
  • # of questions asked
  • % accept rate
  • # of posts answered
  • # of accepted answers
The code used to compile the list is available at the bottom.
TMW team implemented a page with the metascores:
Please refer to it and congrats to the team!
Use this function to retrieve info from the link above:
function [metainfo, elapsedTime] = metainfo(type,order)
% METAINFO - Retrieve metainfo on contributors to

% METAINFO Retrieve data sorted by reputation in descending order
% METAINFO(TYPE,ORDER) Specify TYPE and sorting ORDER as
% type : 'reputation'
% 'questions'
% 'answered'
% 'accepted'
% order: 'asc'
% 'desc'
% Examples:
% % Standard call (rep, disc)
% info = metainfo;
% % Sort by question answered in descending order
% info = metainfo('an','d');
% Author: Oleg Komarov (
% Tested on R14SP3 (7.1) and on R2009b. In-between compatibility is assumed.
% 28 feb 2011 - Created
% Check # inputs
% Retrieve inputs
if nargin == 0
type = 'reputation';
order = 'desc';
if ~exist(type,'var')
sortTypes = {'reputation','questions','answered','accepted'};
type = sortTypes{strncmp(type,sortTypes,numel(type))};
order = 'desc';
if ~exist(order,'var')
orderTypes = {'asc','desc'};
type = orderTypes{strncmp(order,orderTypes,numel(order))};
% Build url string
url = [''...
'dir=' order '&sort=' type '&page='];
% First read
[page, ok] = urlread([url '1']);
% Catch number of pages to read
if ok
totcon = regexp(page,'>1 - 50 of (\d+)','tokens');
totcon = dataread('string',totcon{1}{1},'%d');
nPages = ceil(totcon/50);
error('Cannot read ".../contributors?page=1"')
% Loop over contributors pages
metainfo = cell(totcon,7);
metainfo(1:end,1) = num2cell(1:size(metainfo,1));
for p = 1:nPages
if ok
endpos = 50*p;
% Id, Rep
expr = '><a href="\/matlabcentral\/answers\/contributors\/(\d+)';
data = regexp(page, expr,'tokens');
if 50*p > totcon; endpos = 50*(p-1)+numel(data); end
metainfo(1+(p-1)*50:endpos,2) = [data{:}];
% Nickname
expr = ['"Reputation: (\d+)">([\w\ ' reshape([repmat(92,1,137);33:59,61:64,91:97,123:126,161:255],1,[]) ']+)</a></h2>'];
data = regexp(page, expr,'tokens');
metainfo(1+(p-1)*50:endpos,[4,3]) = cat(1,data{:});
% Qcount, Ans, Acc
data = regexp(page, '<span >(\d+)</span>[A-z<>"-\s\/]+','tokens');
metainfo(1+(p-1)*50:endpos,5:7) = reshape(cat(1,data{:}),3,[]).';
error('Metainfo import stopped. \nCannot read ".../contributors?page=%d"',p)
[page, ok] = urlread([url sprintf('%d',p+1)]);
% Convert to doubles
metainfo(:,[2,4:7]) = cellfun(@str2double,metainfo(:,[2,4:7]),'un',false);
elapsedTime = toc;

Best Answer

Congratulations to Matt Fig for making it to 500 before I made it to 1000! He increased from 388 to 501 in about a day and a half, during which time I only increased from 901 to 966.
Numerical projections last night based upon answer acceptance rates were that it would take another 1310 questions answered each before he caught up, so clearly his solutions have been found vote-worthy.
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