MATLAB: Contour plot of fluent-ansys results

ansys-fluentcontour plotunstructured mesh

Hi Everyone,
There is a program called fluent, which is a CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) program. It provides predictions of various fluid dynamics simulations. The fluent results can be saved in various formats, the only one that I can find to read into matlab is ASCII. The problem with the format for exporting fluent data is that is provide one giant vector for the x coordinates, one giant vector for the y coordinate and giant vectors for each solution variable (density, velocity, viscosity, pressure, etc.).
My question is this: Has anyone out there found a way to export data from fluent and import it into Matlab so you can make contour plots? If not, can someone help me figure out how to do it? Is there a way I can attach an exported ASCII file to this question? That way you can see how the data is exported from fluent.
Thanks, Casey

Best Answer

See ANSYS for the MATLAB AAS Toolbox interface.
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