MATLAB: Contour plot control in Surfc function

3d plotscontourfigureMATLAB

I have some questions in handling surfc functions
In, surfc functions
surfc(xx,yy,rrr); shading flat; caxis([0 1.0]);
ylim([-2 2]);xlim([-2 2])
zlim([-1 1]);
In the above codes, I want to change the contour level step to 0.05 and contour position at z=-0.8, not z=0 (in default)
How can I change it ?
If I type contour('LevelStep',0.05) as contour examples, blank figures are pop up.
Also I cannot find the reference to control contour plot positions.
Can anyone help me ? Thanks.

Best Answer

I did not see this before.
For the second, see: Customizing contour plots part 2 I asked about this a while ago, and MathWorks provided the solution that I then brought to Yair Altman’s attention. He posted it on his Undocumented MATLAB site.