MATLAB: Continue in a for loop if a file isn’t present

for looploops

I'm having a problem with the correct syntax to complete the task without receiving an error. Any help is most appreciated!
In my program there is a for loop to import a series of spreadsheets into Matlab. These spreadsheets are for every US baseball team.
I want to know the syntax of how to skip and continue the for loop if one of the files within the loop are not found in the folder.
Here is the code i have so far:
for Str = {'Diamondbacks' 'Braves' 'Orioles' 'Boston' 'Cubs' 'WhiteSox' 'Reds' 'Indians' 'Rockies' 'Tigers' 'Astros' 'Royals' 'Angels' 'Dodgers' 'Marlins' 'Brewers' 'Twins' 'Mets' 'Yankees' 'Athletics' 'Phillies' 'Pirates' 'Padres' 'Giants' 'Mariners' 'Cardinals' 'Rays' 'Rangers' 'BlueJays' 'Nationals'};
folder = '';
fileToRead1 = [Str{1} '.xls'];
// this is to organize the data in a way easy for me to use
[numbers, strings, raw] = xlsread(fileToRead1, sheetName);
if ~isempty(numbers) = numbers;
if ~isempty(strings) && ~isempty(numbers)
[strRows, strCols] = size(strings);
[numRows, numCols] = size(numbers);
likelyRow = size(raw,1) - numRows;
% Break the data up into a new structure with one field per column.
if strCols == numCols && likelyRow > 0 && strRows >= likelyRow
newData1.colheaders = strings(likelyRow, :);
// Here is my feeble attempt to skip and continue the forloop if a file is
// not found. It doesn't work of course.
if ~isempty(fileToRead1) = numbers;

Best Answer

Continue if the file is not there:
if exist(fileToRead1, 'file') == 0
% File does not exist
% Skip to bottom of loop and continue with the loop