MATLAB: Contaminate an EMG with 50 Hz signal


I am trying to add a 50 Hz sinusoidal signal to an EMG signal but it isn't working. The amplitude of the 50 Hz signal should be 5% of the EMG signal amplitude. Can you give me with some tips on how to do it? I wrote the 50 Hz contamination like this: y = 0.005.*sin(2.*pi.*Fc.*t),
Thank you very much!

Best Answer

I have no idea what ‘isn’t working’ means.
This version of your code works:
Fs = 256; % Create Sampling Frequency (Hz)
Ts = 1/Fs; % Sampling Interval (sec)
t = 0 : Ts : 10; % Define Time Vector
Fc = 50; % Sine Curve Frequency
EMGRMS = 0.001; % EMG RMS Amplitude (V)
MainsNoise = EMGRMS * 0.05 * sin(2*pi*Fc*t); % Noise Vector
plot(t, MainsNoise)
xlim([0 0.1])
Note the additional detail. If you calculated it correctly, there should be five peaks in the plot (restricted to the first 100 ms).
I simply made up a value for the RMS amplitude. Note that to calculate the RMS amplitude (as I would have here if I had the signal), do this:
EMGRMS = sqrt(mean(EMG.^2));
where ‘EMG’ is your EMG signal vector.