
Hello, I am receiver this error and I am not sure how to fix the key type when I pass this through a function.
Specified key type does not match the type expected for this container.
>> k_air = get_k_air(T);
function k_air = get_k_air(T1)
keys = {250,300,350,400,450,500,550,600,650,700,750,800,850,900,950,1000};
values = [1.401,1.4,1.398,1.395,1.391,1.387,1.381,1.376,1.37,1.364,1.359,1.354,1.349,1.344,1.34,1.336];
lookup_table = containers.Map(keys,values);
k_air = lookup_table(T1);

Best Answer

Gregory - the error message is suggesting that your key, which is the input T (or T1 in your function), is of a data type that is not compatible the key set for your container. It looks like your keys are integer scalars so what are you passing in as T?
You may want to try using isKey to see if your container has the key before you try to access the container with your passed in key.