MATLAB: Construct String for Query

databaseDatabase Toolboxmongodbquery

I am querying a remote MongoDB Database within Matlab using the Matlab Database Toolbox interface for MongoDB.
Queries tipically look like this:
query5473 = '{"_ref":{$oid:"5ce3e0ec620ea1990ce172177"}, "eventTypeId":5473}';
However, I would like to not manually type the ID but rather use the some element from an array like this:
queryExample = '{"_ref":{$oid:SomeArray(1)}, "eventTypeId":5473}';
Unfortunatelly this results in an error.
Could someone help me out?

Best Answer

query5473 = sprintf('{"_ref":{$oid:"%s"}, "eventTypeId":5473}', SomeArray{1})