MATLAB: Consolidating row values from previous column duplicate values.

summationunique multiple column values

Hi all,
Is it possible to write a script to make MATLAB look at the first two columns of a matrix, and if there are multiple rows where Column 1 and Column 2 have the same values, to put these rows together and sum the corresponding values of a third column.
An example would be like this;
[a x 2;
a x 3;
b x 4;
a y 5;
b y 6;
b y 7;
c y 8]
and so the script will recognize there are two rows with a in column 1 and x in column 2, so it will put them together and add the values in the third row.
So the output would be like this;
[a x 5;
b x 4;
a y 5;
b y 13;
c y 8]
Forgive my bad formatting of the matrix, but any help will be greatly appreciated!
Kind regards

Best Answer

You need the accumarray function:
A = [1 1 3;
1 1 4;
1 1 7;
1 2 1;
1 2 6;
2 3 5;
3 6 4;
3 6 9;
3 6 3];
[Aunique,i,j] = unique(A(:,[1 2]),'rows');
Asum = accumarray(j,A(:,3),[],@sum);
output = [Aunique,Asum]