MATLAB: Consistent figure formatting between different computers using remote access


I know that MATLAB somehow works out sizing/formatting related to the system/monitor it is on. I am trying to run scripts I wrote on one computer using a remote desktop connection. On this computer I originally had two monitors, though only the main one is now attached. When I run my scripts remotely, however, the sizing no longer works (I know this because some of my functions now cause errors). I noticed that the 'extent' of the subtitles is now larger, but also now matches the 'extent' on the laptop I am logging in from. So I'm wondering whether the problem is that MATLAB on the remote desktop is basing its sizing on my laptop – or whether it is because the second monitor is no longer attached. If it is because of the laptop (because of remote access) – is there a way I can change my remote computer settings so that it still uses its main monitor for sizing?
I'm using MATLAB 2012a, but could change this if it would help.

Best Answer

I managed to fix this problem by getting someone to restart the remotre computer, log into my account, open MATLAB and then log back out. I then logged into the already opened MATLAB session - and the figure sizing worked fine. So that also answers the question as to what the problem was - using a remote desktop when opening MATLAB makes MATLAB use the monitor of the accessing computer, rather than its attached monitor to specify figure sizing attributes.