MATLAB: Connecting PostgreSQL with MATLAb using mex wrapper

postgresql matlab mex

I am trying to use a mex wrapper to connect the Matlab with PostgreSQL.
I am getting following error while compiling it on MATLAB
>> mex -DWindows -IC:\PostgreSQL\pgsql\include -LC:\PostgreSQL\pgsql\lib -lpq libpqmex.c
Writing library for libpqmex.mexw32
c:\docume~1\asalman\locals~1\temp\mex_76~1\libpqmex.obj .text: undefined reference to '_PQconnectdb'
c:\docume~1\asalman\locals~1\temp\mex_76~1\libpqmex.obj .text: undefined reference to '_PQstatus'
c:\docume~1\asalman\locals~1\temp\mex_76~1\libpqmex.obj .text: undefined reference to '_PQexec'
c:\docume~1\asalman\locals~1\temp\mex_76~1\libpqmex.obj .text: undefined reference to '_PQntuples'
c:\docume~1\asalman\locals~1\temp\mex_76~1\libpqmex.obj .text: undefined reference to '_PQnfields'
c:\docume~1\asalman\locals~1\temp\mex_76~1\libpqmex.obj .text: undefined reference to '_PQerrorMessage'
c:\docume~1\asalman\locals~1\temp\mex_76~1\libpqmex.obj .text: undefined reference to '_PQfinish'
c:\docume~1\asalman\locals~1\temp\mex_76~1\libpqmex.obj .text: undefined reference to '_PQgetvalue'
C:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2011A\BIN\MEX.PL: Error: Link of 'libpqmex.mexw32' failed.
Please help me.
Thanks in advance

Best Answer

I was able to compile the program successfully using the following:
mex testfunction.c -IC:\MatlabWork\Answers\pgsql\include
-LC:\MatlabWork\Answers\pgsql\lib -lpq
Are you using a C++ compiler? That might be the issue here?