MATLAB: Connecting Points in a Scatter Plot


Here is what I'm tasked to do. I need to make three plots where in each plot the pressure and temperature change. In each of the plots, I need to plot Thrust against Mach number for a range of fuel flow rates (6 values for now). So for example, plot 1 with P=30000 Pa and T=230 K will have 6 curves, each curve corresponding to a different fuel flow rate. What I need to do is for each fuel flow rate "setting", I need to connect the points for x=mach number y=thrust.
I've attached my code so you can see if my logic is wrong.

Best Answer

Focusing just on the problem at hand, I'd suggest
  1. changing line 126 to Thrust(mdotfuel+1,mach,Alt) = mdotfuel*(U8-Uo);
  2. adding Thrust = zeros(6,3,3); before the for loops (line 26)
  3. removing all plot-related commands in the loops
  4. adding something along the lines of
Mo=[0 1 2];
for k = 1:3
at the end.