MATLAB: Connecting Electrical Nodes on Simulink


I'm trying to connect two circuit components to the same node, but the lines show up as red circles. Both blocks on both ends of the red connection are from the Simscape library. I tried the P-S-Simulink Converter box to no avail, so I'm not sure of the problem.
I included a picture as reference.

Best Answer

The blocks on the left are from SimPowerSystems while the blocks on the right are from Simscape, so they don't connect directly.
You can do either of the following
  1. Replace the Inductor/Capacitor/Resistor blocks on the right with Series/Parallel RLC Branch blocks from the SimPowerSystems library OR
  2. Replace the MOSFET blocks on the left with MOSFET blocks from the SimElectronics library (if you have that product).
If you take approach #2, note that the SimElectronics semiconductor blocks are generally more detailed MOSFET models while the SimPowerSystems (the ones you have in your diagram) are piecewise linear and therefore simplified.
Up to you based on available toolboxes and the level of detail you want/need.
- Sebastian
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