MATLAB: Connected Components on Input Image

connected components on input imageImage Processing Toolbox

Hi all
I want to visualize my compnents on original input image. I have performed foregorund detection by some background subtraction algorithm. Let say I have foregorund mask fgmask and input frame I.I have performed the connected component analysis like that
I=input Image;
FgMask=binary Image;
blobMeasurements = regionprops(labeledImage, I, 'all');
numberOfBlobs = size(blobMeasurements, 1);
Now what I want to do, actually I do not need bounding box on foreground region, I want to label foregorund region into original input Image (foregorund region should be labeled from red colours) instead of bounding box.HOw can I perform that??
Every help is appreciated.

Best Answer

You can tint your image red in the foreground regions
redChannel = grayImage; % Initialize.
redChannel(binaryImage) = 255; % Max out red in foreground pixels.
% Create an RGB image.
tintedImage = cat(3, redChannel, grayImage, grayImage);