MATLAB: Connect PSMS to Mechanical model

connect to mechanical modelMATLABpsmsSimscape ElectricalSimscape Multibodysimulink

Hello together,
I´m trying to simulate an industrial robot regarding to it´s energy consumption.
The mechanical model is built up in a CAD-program and implemented into SimMechanics. The Motor is the PSMS from SimPowerSystems library. Both, the mech. model and the PMSM, are in two seperate models.
How can I connect the PSMS with the mechanical model, so that the robot is moving?
Should I put the PSMS an the mech. model in one model together or is it possible to connect the two models?
Thank you for your help.
Kind regards

Best Answer

First, download the Simscape Multibody 3D-1D interface blocks from the File Exchange:
These blocks let you connect between Simscape 1-D mechanical ports, which the PMSM blocks have, to SimMechanics joints (revolute or prismatic).
If you're using SimPowerSystems Simscape Components, the connection should be straightforward using the blocks above.
If you're using SimPowerSystems Specialized Technology, you can go to the Configuration tab of the PMSM block and change the "Mechanical input" to "Mechanical rotational port". This will expose a Simscape mechanical port you can similarly connect using the interface blocks.
- Sebastian