MATLAB: Connect Interactive Brokers Trader Workstation with Matlab

actxserveribibtwsinteractive brokersTrading Toolbox

I have the known problem when trying to connect to the IB TWS. The command
ib = ibtws('',7496)
Error using actxserver (line 90)
Server creation failed. Invalid ProgID 'TWS.TwsCtrl.1'.
Error in ibtws
I am using
  • Mac OS 10.12.2
  • Matlab 2016b 64-bit
  • IB TWS for Mac OS X 64-bit Version 952.3b
  • IB Gateway for Mac OS X 64-bit Version 952.3b
I know that there is an existing thread ( ) describing the same problem for Windows. But maybe there is an alternative solution for Mac?
Also, do I need the Java files given in the mentioned thread ( ) and if yes, how do I implement them? Thanks for your support, it would be nice to get IB running on my Matlab!

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