MATLAB: Configure GUI listbox to initially have no selections


When I populate a listbox with a list of filenames, the first string in the list is always highlighted. I want it so nothing is selected upon initial loading.
I use:
set(handles.files, 'String', handles.list_names,'Value',0)
handles.files is the listbox, and handles.list_names are the strings that will be put in the listbox. I added the 'Value',0 part, but then I get the error:
Warning: multi-selection listbox control requires that Value be an integer within String range Control will not be rendered until all of its parameter values are valid
Any ideas?

Best Answer

I do not see any mechanism for this.
When I need to do something like this, I usually add a header line such as 'Choose File' as the first string (the one that gets highlighted), and then I program my functions to know that value 1 means nothing selected.