MATLAB: Conditional equations with cell arrays.

else iffor loop

I have two cell arrays as an example. One cell array has positive values, one array has negative values. The cell array with negative values also has zeros.
y = {0 0 0 -179.4 0 -179.3 -178.3 -173.2 -178.9 -179.6}
x = {173.5 169.4 177.5 172.8 169.8 166.6 179.2 178.0 169.7 174.5}
The values represent maximum degrees of movement. The y array is the maximum negative component (if there was one) and the x array is the minimum positive component. 180 (or zero) equals an upright torso and no range of motion. I need to find out the total range of motion. For example the total range of motion between the first values in each array is 6.5 (180 – 173.5). If there is a maximum negative value as with the fourth movement, the range of motion would be 7.8 ((180 – abs(y{4}) + (180 – x{4})). I want to write a statement that performs one equation if there is a zero (180 – 173.5) and another if there is not a zero ((180 – abs(y{4}) + (180 – x{4})) and creates a new cell array of values {1:10}. I have tried the below for loop with if else statement without success. If I put the value of the cell in the place of i, the correct value is displayed. Otherwise for i, I get a single value that is 5.4 and I don't know where it comes from. If I write the loop with ROM{i} then there is an error.
for i = 1:length(y);
if y{i} == 0
ROM = (180 - x{i});
elseif y{i} < 0
ROM = (180 - abs(y{i})) + (180 - x{i});
Help appreciated.

Best Answer

In one line with ‘logical indexing’:
y = {0 0 0 -179.4 0 -179.3 -178.3 -173.2 -178.9 -179.6};
x = {173.5 169.4 177.5 172.8 169.8 166.6 179.2 178.0 169.7 174.5};
fcn = @(x,y) (180-[x{:}]).*([y{:}]==0) + ((180 - abs([y{:}])) + (180 - [x{:}])).*([y{:}]<0);
ROM = fcn(x,y)
Columns 1 through 7
6.5 10.6 2.5 7.8 10.2 14.1 2.5
Columns 8 through 10
8.8 11.4 5.9
To use the loop, index ‘ROM’. The ‘logical indexing’ approach is faster and more efficient.