MATLAB: Conclusion from scatter graph

polyfitregressionscatter graphtrend line

I have a science project, and just recently got a result. The problem is that i cannot conclude the result i have. I plotted the graph, and got somewhat of sine graph, curving up in the middle. I think that a trend line could help me solve this problem – and will be able to conclude my project. So if there anyway to plot a trend line for my graph and got and equation out? Also if there is other ways to conclude my project that would be appreciate.
Thanks a lot! Anawin

Best Answer

See my ployfit_demo, attached below in blue text.
And I'm not sure what "conclude my project" means. Does it mean to finish your project? Or make conclusions on the observations you've recorded? Be aware that correlation does not guarantee cause and effect - that's a whole different conversation. For example there's a fairly high correlation between Google searches for bitcoin and "duck dynasty" (Click to see on Google Trends) but one does not cause the other.