MATLAB: Concatinating multiple function outputs


I have a few functions that each returns 3 output values, within a for loop using i as a counter. Is there a nice way to assign values, in the sense that i am currently using:
for i=1:n
[TestValues(i,1), assymp(1), names{1}] = ftesttype1(I(:,i),p,sign);
[TestValues(i,2), assymp(2), names{2}] = ftesttype2(I(:,i),p,sign);
As you can see i have manually labelled them 1 and 2 for their places. Is there a way such taht the output will automatically move to the right spot ? – Ie. after ftesttype1 has returned its values ftesttype2 will put them in the right place without me needing to specify that spot 2 is to be used in the vectors TestValues, assymp and names.
The thing is i have meaby 50 such functions and how many changes sort of often. So i have to manually retype some 150 numbers alot (and check that i have done so correctly).
Thanks ALOT in advance!

Best Answer

If you have a cell array containing your function handles, you could perhaps use cellfun to do the work for you:
Very simple example:
clear C % important for dynamic preallocation
funs = {@sin,@cos}; % function handles
vals = rand(1,50)*2*pi; % example values to loop over
for ii = numel(vals):-1:1
% Build anonymous function for each value and evaluate all functions at that value storing the result in the iith row of C
C(ii,:) = cellfun(@(x)x(vals(ii)),funs,'UniformOutput',false);
note 1 This also gives you the advantage of not necessarily having to input each function name. You could perhaps use dir to scrape a "functions to use" directory and then str2func to build the cell array automatically.
note 2 You don't need to use cellfun, but could use a loop instead. The key takeway here is the cell array containing the functions.