MATLAB: Concatenating data from structure array for plotting


I have a structure array with several levels of depth that I am trying to extract a specific set of data from in order to plot it. The plan is to draw individual elements from several different fields, and then combine them into a single array for plotting. I know that normally structures can be concatenated using [], but it doesn't seem to be working for this instance.
plot(x_values,[files([files.Param] == condition).Zone(1).Values(1,4)]);
Expected one output from a curly brace or dot indexing expression, but there were multiple results.
I know that the inner conditional statement is working, as I can extract it and get the appropriate logic matrix, but that means that I am looking at multiple elements of 'files' (which is exactly what I want to do), but they do not seem to be concatenating properly. Any suggestions would be appreciated.