MATLAB: Concatenating a date vector with a numerical column vector


I have a large set of precipitation data on which I will eventually be doing some extreme value analysis. For now, I'm just trying to get it ready for the analysis. Eventually I need to be able to sum the daily precipitation data by month for each specific year.
One of the columns in my initial data set contains a datetime variable (yyyy-MM-dd) that I wish to convert to a date vector and another column that contains precipitation readings for that particular date at a specific station. Afterwards I would like to concatenate the date vector with the precipitation readings and then eventually do the summation. But I'm concerned about the output that I get after concatenation. Here is the code so far:
load('completePRCP with datetime.mat');
% Converting the datetime variable, "DATE" into a date vector to make analysis easier.
u = datevec(completePRCPds.DATE);
u(:,6) = []; % Remove all columns with time variables because they're just 0 right now
u(:,5) = [];
u(:,4) = [];
% Append precipitation data to matrix "u" so that monthly sums can be calculated. New matrix "tau" is created that contains date vector as well as precipitation data.
tau = cat(2,u,completePRCPds.PRCP);
The problem comes after this last step. When I do a quick visualization of the new tau matrix, it appears as though everything has been divided by 1000. See below.
tau(1:10, 1:4)
ans =
1.0e+03 *
1.9340 0.0070 0.0010 0
1.9340 0.0070 0.0020 0
1.9340 0.0070 0.0030 0
1.9340 0.0070 0.0040 0
1.9340 0.0070 0.0050 0.0002
1.9340 0.0070 0.0060 0
1.9340 0.0070 0.0070 0
1.9340 0.0070 0.0080 0
1.9340 0.0070 0.0090 0
1.9340 0.0070 0.0100 0
Is there a way to avoid this? Thanks in advance for your help.

Best Answer

Give the command
format long g
and ask to display the output again.