MATLAB: Concatenate matrices from cell array

cell arrayconcatenatefor loop

I have a cell array with different length matrices in each cell, i.e. the number of columns is always the same, but the number of rows differs. I want to combine all those matrices together in 1 big matrix, and have difficulties doing so. I know it's best to pre-allocate the final matrix before filling it, so thats what I do, but I can't get the actual filling to work.
For example:
A = rand(5,2);
B = rand(7,2);
C = rand(15,2); % just 3 diff length matrices
cell = {A B C}; % ABC into cell array
nrows = cellfun(@length, combi); %get rows in each cell
sum_rows = sum(nrows);% get total rows required
Final = zeros(sum_rows,2); % pre-allocate matrix of appropriate size
Please help me to formulate a loop (over n cells in cell array) which adds the nth cell to the Final matrix each iteration. Thanks very much for any help.

Best Answer

A = rand(5,2);
B = rand(7,2);
C = rand(15,2);
cc = {A B C};
out = cat(1,cc{:});