MATLAB: Concatenate in for loop

concatenate loop for

Hi, I have a problem with making the combination of cell arrays in a loop. My code is:
for j = 1:width(1)
one{j} = [extensionmean{j,1};extensionmean{j,2};extensionmean{j,3};extensionmean{j,4};extensionmean{j,5}];
this works, but I want something extra however. The amount of extensionmean is often unknown. so now I wrote the extensionmean {j,x} five times. But this could be six or four another time. I would like to make this part automatic as well, so make it in a loop that loops through all the extensionmean parts. Is this possible to do with a for loop? I tried but it didn't give me the right answer. I just don't want to keep writing the extensionmean or adapting it: try code:
for j = 1:width(1)
for i = 1:length(extensionmean)
one{j} = [extensionmean{j,i};];
thanks in advance for any help

Best Answer

for j = 1:size(extensionmean, 1)
one{j} = vertcat(extensionmean{j, :});
Should do it.
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