MATLAB: Computing the pairwise distance matrix given a matrix of vectors

3d arraymatrixnormvector

I'm producing m amount of nx1 vectors, and storing them all in an nxm matrix A (each column is a vector). What I want is to now create an mxm matrix B where B(i,j) = norm(vi -vj). I have a naive solution using nested for loops, but this takes far too long; I came up with a solution using 3d arrays but since I'm producing ~9000 vectors and each one is ~100000 entries, there's no way I have the memory for a 100000x9000x9000 array. Is there any other way to compute this?
Naive solution:
for i = 1:nvectors
for j = i:nvectors
dist = norm(vectorMatrix(:,i) - vectorMatrix(:,j));
distanceMatrix(i,j) = dist;
distanceMatrix(j,i) = distanceMatrix(i,j);
3d array solution:
vectorMatrix = repmat(vectorMatrix, 1,1,nvectors);
distanceMatrix(:,1,:) = vectorMatrix(:,:,1);
distanceMatrix = repmat(distanceMatrix,1,nvectors,1);
distanceMatrix = distanceMatrix - vectorMatrix;
distanceMatrix = sqrt(sum(distanceMatrix.^2,1));

Best Answer

doc pdist
result = squareform(pdist(vectorMatrix'));
or drop the squareform if you are willing to do your own indexing calculation:
result = pdist(vectorMatrix');