MATLAB: Computing symlet wavelet


Hi everyone, I know that the symlet wavelet does not have an explicit function like morlet wavelet; but is there any way to know how can matlab compute this wavelet family at different orders

Best Answer

Hi Claire, The MATLAB Wavelet Toolbox has the scaling filters for a number of the symlet (Daubechies' least-asymmetric) filters.
The are designated with the wavelet family shortname 'sym' and then further specified by the number of vanishing moments.
% with 4 vanishing moments
[Lo,Hi] = wfilters('sym4');
% visualize the scaling function and wavelet
[phi,psi,xval] = wavefun('sym4',10);
plot(xval,phi); title('Scaling Function');
plot(xval,psi); title('Wavelet');
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