MATLAB: Computer vision system toolbox

computer vision system toolboxComputer Vision Toolboxeye detectionface detection

I am using MATLAB R2012a. in the help menu there it shows the computer vision system toolbox, but when i run a command "FD=vivion.CascadeObjectDetection('EyepairBig');" it shows an error "undefined variable 'vision' or class vision.cascadeobjectdetection " . I'm using it for detection of eyes on a face in an image Am i supposed to do something with the toolbox before using it. please help.
Thanks in advance

Best Answer

First, make sure that you have the Computer Vision System Toolbox installed. Second, the object is called vision.CascadeObjectDetector. Please be sure to type it correctly. You can type first few characters into the command prompt, and then press the "Tab" key to get a list of valid completions.
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