MATLAB: Complex number when using variables


I am getting two different answers in MATAB 2017a. If I compute it directly in the Command Window vs assigning the variables x,y, I get a complex answer?
-50.8478 ^ -1.017
ans =
K>> x = -50.8478; y = -1.017
K>> x^y
ans =
-0.0183696777893977 + 0.000982004601423454i

Best Answer

That's correct. The unary minus operator (before 50.8478) is at precedence level 4. The matrix power operator with unary minus (between 50.8478 and 1.017) is at precedence level 3. So:
-50.8478 ^ -1.017
is equivalent to:
The expression inside the parentheses is real.
When you use variables:
x = -50.8478;
y = -1.017
that is equivalent to:
which gives a complex result.