MATLAB: Compiling CUDA files with mexcuda – why wont Matlab accept the compiler?!

.cuccompilecudaMATLABmexmexcudaParallel Computing Toolbox

Im trying to compile CUDA files into mex.
Matlab ships with an example CUDA file located in matlabfolder\toolbox\distcomp\gpu\extern\src\mex, but when I try to compile it by typing:
I get:
"Error using mex
No supported compiler or SDK was found"
Im using the Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Professional (C) compiler for both C and C++ but Ive also tried the MinGW64 Compiler and the Windows SDK 7.1 which all gives me the same error.
Im using the CUDA toolkit 8, and in Visual studio I can compile .cu files so I obviously have a supported compiler. How do I make Matlab realize that and allow me to compile .cu files?

Best Answer

Hello Petter,
CUDA 8.0 was only released last week! mexcuda doesn't yet support it, and consequently does not yet support Visual Studio 2015, which is supported by CUDA 8.0 but not CUDA 7.5.
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