MATLAB: Compiler Missing From Installed Compiler

MATLAB Compiler

I have MatLab 7.6.0 and MCRInstaller 7.8. I amtrying to compile a program that was created years ago for my company. I have the project open with all the correct files. When I try to build the poject it gives me this message in the Deployment Tool Output:
Your project cannot be built because you have not specified a compiler.
To do so run the following command in MATLAB:
mbuild -setup
If the problem persists, click the project settings icon in the toolbar, select General on the left hand panel and then remove the options file specified in the last text box on the right hand side panel.
Then when I use that command it asks me if i would like mbuild to lacate installed compilers y/n >>
When I hit no it says that there are 0 compilers detected. I think that this may be a path problem. Thanks,
Dustin Budzene

Best Answer

You need VS 6.0 Professional, or VS 2005 SP1 Professional, or VS 2005 Express, or VS 2008 Professional.
"Professional" is important for this purpose: if you had VS 2008 Express, for example, then mbuild -setup would not be able to find the compiler.
mbuild -v -setup
to get a more verbose display of what it tries to look for.