MATLAB: Compiler error message: signal 127


I built a Graphical Interface (let's call it myGUI)that works perfectly from Matlab. I'm trying to make a standalone version of it and built it without any error or warning messages from the compiler. Then when I try to launch it from Matlab
>> cd myGUI/distrib/
>> !./myGUI
Undefined function or variable 'myGUI'.
./myGUI: Signal 127
My problem is that this error message does not give me much information about where to start looking. Any idea where the problem may come from ?
Thanks a lot
ps: I'm working on a Mac running Mac OS 10.8.2 with R2012b.

Best Answer

I kept playing with the files and found the issue. I had a startup.m routine that had for goal to add the various folders to the Matlab path when starting the application... this makes the compiler unhappy. Renaming it myStartup.m and calling it from inside the main routine works this time.
Thanks Walter for your help.