MATLAB: Compiled Matlab Application calls file

applicationMATLAB Compiler

Hello guys,
I want to build a Application with the Matlab Compiler that calls a specific .csv file and works with its data. Is threre any possibility to do so. At the momenent the apllication works fine with:
function test()
M = importdata('myfile.csv');
But I want it to be like:
function test()
files = dir('C:\Users\...\*.csv');
names = {};
M = importdata(names{1,1});
In the process of compiling it Matlab forces me to put in the .csv as "file required for your application to run". But I want to call the file from outside the Application, to work with changing data.
looking forward to an answer

Best Answer

Look at: mfilename, fullfile, fileparts, pwd, uigetfile
These functions allow you to build full or relative paths that are generic and will work inside of compiled applications.