MATLAB: Compile and Debug Mex files with Visual Studio 2010

MATLABmex simulink s-function visual studio 2010

I'd like to use Visual Studio to compile and debug simulink s-function mex files using the Visual Studio 2010 IDE. So far I have managed to compile mexw32 files using this guide.
However, I can't figure out how to "load" the output file into the s-function simulink block. It seems that this block only accepts source code files. I'd like to use the mex file compiled with Visual Studio instead.
Any thoughts?
I'm running Matlab 7.12 (2011a) on windows XP x86 Service Pack 3.

Best Answer

The S-function block does actually accept only MEX-file names. For example, if you have a file called mytest.mexw32, enter "mytest" (without the quotes) as the S-function name. However, note that S-functions are one kind of MEX-function. Not all MEX-files are S-functions. See What Is an S-Function?
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