MATLAB: Compartment is not being used in the model

compartment is not being used in the modelSimBiology

i'm replicating the result of the pharmacokinetics of antibacterial drugs in a time-kill curve experiment in the tutorial
when i firstly create the model with simbiology App, i got the message "compartment is not being used in the model" at the top-left of the compartment in the diagram view
how should i manage this message?
And, after setting the kinetic parameter for reaction, hidden parameter was not shown up by "Show All Hidden Blocks and Lines".
How can i show the hidden kinetic parameters?

Best Answer

You can ignore the "compartment is not being used in the model" warning. This warning is a benign bug with this version. Sorry about that.
To answer your second question, only model scoped parameters appear on the diagram. By default, the parameters are scoped to the reaction. If you change the scope of the parameter to the model, it should appear on the diagram.
To change the scope, open the reaction on the property editor. Check the scope of the parameter to the left of the parameter name. If it shows reaction, right click on the parameter and choose Change Scope.