MATLAB: Comparing value in m x n matrices to find its index

compare valuematricesmatrix manipulation

Hi, I have one set of data that I need to compare it with different size of data. So, as it stated in this code below, the threshold will be 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5 ….. I have to compare each threshold with all available data in variable GtrecMRCG2 then get its index. after all data compared, I need to check it with remaining threshold in variable thresholdVAR.
I wrote this based on my understanding. but it doesn't work because the dimension is mismatched. Thank you so much and big appreciation to those who want to give me advises. 🙂
threshold = 3;
thresholdVAR=[threshold 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0];
GtrecMRCG2= [ 5 8 9 6 2 5 2 4 6 3 8 9 11];
for ii=1:9
thresholdVAR(ii+1:end)= thresholdVAR(ii)+ 0.5;
for idxm=1:length(thresholdVAR)
for idxn = 1:length(GtrecMRCG2)
idxalarmMRCG (1:length(thresholdVAR),1:length(GtrecMRCG2))= find(GtrecMRCG2(idxm,idxn)>=thresholdVAR(idxm,idxn));

Best Answer

Something like this?
thresholdVAR = 3:0.5:7;
GtrecMRCG2= [ 5 8 9 6 2 5 2 4 6 3 8 9 11];
% preallocate
DesMat = zeros(length(thresholdVAR),length(GtrecMRCG2));
for oneL = 1:length(thresholdVAR)
[r,c,v] = find(GtrecMRCG2>thresholdVAR(oneL));
DesMat(oneL,c) = GtrecMRCG2(c);
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