MATLAB: Comparing uneven sized matrix and delete rows which are not common

comparing uneven matricesdelete rows

Hi guys. I hope this quation finds you well.
For my project i need to compare two uneven matriz row by row. If the rows are not equal beteween column 2 and 5 in a line, delete the line which de index (i+1) is equal to the other matrix index (i). If a rows is deleted, the cycle must restart. Basically i want the column 2 and 5 be exactly equal on both matrices.
For now i have this:
close all;
for i=1:length(L);
if D(i , 5) ~= L(i , 5) | D(i , 2) ~= L(i , 2)
But i have to manually delete the rows. Is there an option to do this automatically?
I have to delete more than 70000 rows so if i do it manually i'll be done some time next year XD.
Thanks in advance.
P.S: The files are attached

Best Answer

Try this code
D = readmatrix('Dir.txt');
E = readmatrix('Esq.txt');
[tf, idx] = ismember(D(:, [2 5]), E(:, [2 5]), 'rows');
D_new = D(tf, :);
E_new = E(idx(idx~=0), :);
Are you looking for something like this?