MATLAB: Comparing two images quantitavely

image comparisonImage Processing Toolbox

I want to compare a number of images with a reference image to determine which image matched the reference image most. I think getting a number out of this comparison can be useful. Here is the code:
I1 = imread('I1.jpg');
I2 = imread('I2.jpg');
obj = imshowpair(I1,I2, 'diff')
Avg = mean (mean(obj.CData))
Is it possible to use the CData information for this comparison? Am I doing this right? I also couldn't find what kind of information is stored in CData. And is there any better way to quantify this comparison?
Thank you

Best Answer

No, that's not right. You'd better off using ssim(), immse(), or psnr(). Or MAD:,