MATLAB: Comparing the array to a certain range

assignment help

Hello again ( a lot of questions i know )
In my array i want to compare each value in that array to a certain range, for example, if a number in that array is between two certain values, e.g between 1-2, i want that number which falls in between that range to display another value. So if that number was 1.5 it would display a 1 instead, if it were at 1.8 it would display 1 as well. How do i compare my whole array to suit a certain range and then display a given variable for the respective range.

Best Answer

clc; clear all ;
% generate random data netween 0 and 2
a = 0;
b = 3;
r = (b-a).*rand(20,1) + a;
r(r>1 & r< 2) = 2 ; % replace numbers greater then 1 and less then 2 with 2
read about find