MATLAB: Comparing pixels in 3×3 block

Image Processing Toolboxpixel comparison

Having a matrix as shown below
i wanted to take 3×3 pixel
and compare the 3 pixels (highlighted in yellow colour) with the pixel (highlighted in green colour),
and if 2 or more pixel (highlighted in yellow) has value greater than the pixel (highlighted in green) and i wanted to assign 1 to it else 0
So in this case i will get 0-1-1-0 and then convert the binary 0110 to its corresponding decimal value = 6
Then the next 3×3 pixel

Best Answer

Assuming your matrix is A
% collect green pixels
query_right = A(2:end-1,3:end);
query_left = A(2:end-1,1:end-2);
query_down = A(3:end,2:end-1);
query_up = A(1:end-2,2:end-1);
% collect yellow pixels
test_column = zeros(size(A,1)-2,size(A,2)-2,3);
for j = 2:size(A,2)-1
test_column(:,j-1,1:3) = toeplitz(A(3:end,j),A(3:-1:1,j));
test_row = zeros(size(A,1)-2,size(A,2)-2,3);
for i = 2:size(A,1)-1
test_row(i-1,:,1:3) = toeplitz(A(i,3:end),A(i,3:-1:1));
% evaluate
eval_right = sum(test_column>query_right,3)>=2;
eval_left = sum(test_column>query_left,3) >=2;
eval_down = sum(test_row>query_down,3) >=2;
eval_up = sum(test_row>query_up,3) >=2;
result = eval_right*2^3 + eval_down*2^2 + eval_left*2^1 + eval_up*2^0;
For matrix given in your example, the result would be
6 7 10
2 2 10
5 5 13