MATLAB: Comparing date time vectors.

correlationdata analysisdata sortingdatetimedurationsynchronizetimetable

I have two datetime vectors of un equal lengths that I need to compare. One issue is they also have diferent degrees of accuracey, one is to the second and one to the minute, and I have multiple points per minute making using a function like synchronize difficult to use. I would like to align the data such that if the day hour and minute are equal then the sampled points are next to each other in the table, and if one set has fewer points than the other, the missing data is replaced with NaN. For instance If I have a set of data from 1/1/17 from 00:00:00 to 1/1/17 00:30:00 sampling every 20 seconds and another set from 1/1/17 00:00 to 1/1/17 00:30 with two to three points per minute sampled randomly without recording the seconds, is there a way I can put both data sets in one table with teh first and second sets aligned to the minute, and any point missing from the second set replaced with NaN? so it would look something like:
date Value_A Value_B
1/1/17 00:00 5 6
1/1/17 00:00 7 9
1/1/17 00:00 2 NaN
1/1/17 00:01 8 3

Best Answer

There is, it's not hard, but this seems like such a strange thing to want to do that I feel like you must mean something else.
Cook up fake data:
>> rng default
>> t1 = datetime(1,1,2017,0,0,0):seconds(20):datetime(1,1,2017,0,3,40);
>> x1 = rand(size(t1))';
>> tt1 = timetable(x1,'RowTimes',t1)
tt1 =
12×1 timetable
Time x1
____________________ _______
10-Jul-0006 00:00:00 0.81472
10-Jul-0006 00:00:20 0.90579
10-Jul-0006 00:00:40 0.12699
10-Jul-0006 00:01:00 0.91338
10-Jul-0006 00:01:20 0.63236
10-Jul-0006 00:01:40 0.09754
10-Jul-0006 00:02:00 0.2785
10-Jul-0006 00:02:20 0.54688
10-Jul-0006 00:02:40 0.95751
10-Jul-0006 00:03:00 0.96489
10-Jul-0006 00:03:20 0.15761
10-Jul-0006 00:03:40 0.97059
>> t2 = datetime(1,1,2017,0,0,0):minutes(1):datetime(1,1,2017,0,3,0);
>> t2 = repelem(t2,randi([2 3],1,length(t2)));
>> x2 = rand(size(t2))';
>> tt2 = timetable(x2,'RowTimes',t2)
tt2 =
10×1 timetable
Time x2
____________________ ________
10-Jul-0006 00:00:00 0.42176
10-Jul-0006 00:00:00 0.91574
10-Jul-0006 00:00:00 0.79221
10-Jul-0006 00:01:00 0.95949
10-Jul-0006 00:01:00 0.65574
10-Jul-0006 00:02:00 0.035712
10-Jul-0006 00:02:00 0.84913
10-Jul-0006 00:02:00 0.93399
10-Jul-0006 00:03:00 0.67874
10-Jul-0006 00:03:00 0.75774
Find minutes with only two corresponding rows in tt2
>> t2u = unique(tt2.Time);
>> numRowsAtEachMinute = histcounts(tt2.Time,[unique(t2u); datetime(Inf,Inf,Inf)])
numRowsAtEachMinute =
3 2 3 2
>> minutesWithOnlyTwoRows = t2u(numRowsAtEachMinute == 2)
minutesWithOnlyTwoRows =
2×1 datetime array
10-Jul-0006 00:01:00
10-Jul-0006 00:03:00
Add all NaN to tt2 for those times and sort
>> n = length(minutesWithOnlyTwoRows);
>> i = height(tt2) + (1:n);
>> tt2.x2(i) = NaN;
>> tt2.Time(i) = minutesWithOnlyTwoRows;
>> tt2 = sortrows(tt2)
tt2 =
12×1 timetable
Time x2
____________________ ________
10-Jul-0006 00:00:00 0.42176
10-Jul-0006 00:00:00 0.91574
10-Jul-0006 00:00:00 0.79221
10-Jul-0006 00:01:00 0.95949
10-Jul-0006 00:01:00 0.65574
10-Jul-0006 00:01:00 NaN
10-Jul-0006 00:02:00 0.035712
10-Jul-0006 00:02:00 0.84913
10-Jul-0006 00:02:00 0.93399
10-Jul-0006 00:03:00 0.67874
10-Jul-0006 00:03:00 0.75774
10-Jul-0006 00:03:00 NaN
Throw away the seconds for tt1 and combine
>> tt1.Time = dateshift(tt1.Time,'start','minute');
>> tt = [tt1 tt2]
tt =
12×2 timetable
Time x1 x2
____________________ _______ ________
10-Jul-0006 00:00:00 0.81472 0.42176
10-Jul-0006 00:00:00 0.90579 0.91574
10-Jul-0006 00:00:00 0.12699 0.79221
10-Jul-0006 00:01:00 0.91338 0.95949
10-Jul-0006 00:01:00 0.63236 0.65574
10-Jul-0006 00:01:00 0.09754 NaN
10-Jul-0006 00:02:00 0.2785 0.035712
10-Jul-0006 00:02:00 0.54688 0.84913
10-Jul-0006 00:02:00 0.95751 0.93399
10-Jul-0006 00:03:00 0.96489 0.67874
10-Jul-0006 00:03:00 0.15761 0.75774
10-Jul-0006 00:03:00 0.97059 NaN
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