MATLAB: Compare two matrix row by row and check if at least one row is different, enter the if loop

matrix comparison

I have a problem, here is a simple version of my question. Imagine I have two matrix, I want to compare each line of matrixs to find if there is similarity. then if all the rows are the same, it is no need to enter the if loop, but if at least one row is different it is needed to enter the if loop.
% compare A and B row by roow
% if there is similarity not enter the if loop
% if there is at least one line of A is not the same as B enter if
if %compare A and B line by line, if at least one row id different

Best Answer

if is not a looping statement, it's a branching statement. loops are started by for or while.
if any(ismember(A, B, 'rows')) %if any of the rows of A are in B
%do something
%do something else