MATLAB: Compare rows of two array and store the corresponding column value if the Row elements are equal

compare rows of two array and store the corresponding column value if the row elements are equal

I have two matrices where i need to compare the first row element of the first matrix with the first row element of the second matrix.If they are equal then copy the corresponding column element of the first and second matrices into a new array.
for example: I have
A=[1 2;
3 4;
5 6;
7 8];
B=[1 8;
2 6 ;
5 9;
6 8];
Now comapre A(1,1) with B(1,1) . Check if(A(1,1)==B(1,1)) Here A(1,1)=1 and B(1,1)=1 So they are equal Now write the correspong column value of both the matrices in new array i.e A(1,2)=2 and B(1,2)=8 So C=[2 8;]; Similarly if (A(2,1)==B(2,1)) here A(2,1)=3 and B(2,1)=2 so they are not equal. So i will not write the column values in C. Similary for all the elements.
Please let me the function in MATLAB to get this. Looking forward to hear from you.
Thanks Pankaja

Best Answer

Possibly, this is what you want (but did not ask):
A = [1 2; 3 4; 5 6; 7 8];
B = [1 8; 2 6; 5 9];
[~, rowsA, rowsB] = intersect(A(:, 1), B(:, 1));
C = [A(rowsA, 2) B(rowsB, 2)]