MATLAB: Compare/match elements of 2 vector data

match vector data

I would like to compare/match elements of 2 vector data, the goal is to select the elements which element-wise from the 2 vectors are different not greater than 3. Then output are the 2 new vector with have the same length and its elements are arranged in order. The size of the 2 vectors (before processed) is arbitrary.
Ex. A = [11 38 49 84 96 117 157 176 200]
B = [10 28 37 48 84 157 175 200]
Compare by element which abs(A(i) – B(j)) <= 3 Then the output should be
A_new = [11 38 49 84 157 176 200]
B_new = [10 37 48 84 157 175 200]
Can anyone guide me how to write MATLAB code for this problem? I used 2 nested loop but got stuck with empty set fault.
Thank you.

Best Answer

A = [11 38 49 84 96 117 157 176 200]
B = [10 28 37 48 84 157 175 200]
D = abs(bsxfun(@minus, A(:), B(:).')) % find difference of all combinations of A and B
[iA,iB] = find(D <= 3) % which combos meet the criterion
A_new = A(iA)
B_new = B(iB)