MATLAB: Compare a vector with every cells element and get the missing

cellcell arraysMATLAB

hi . i have a vector V=[1:100] and a C=cell(1-n) with double[] values . how could i get the values in the vector that are not in any element of cell ? and another question : how could i get a vector with repeats of elements in cell ? for example if there are three 2 in the all elements of cell , in my vector index(2) i have 2 ? thanks a lot !.

Best Answer

Use setdiff inside cellfun:
V = 1:100;
C = {randi(100, 1, 75)}; % Create ‘C’
Out = cellfun(@setdiff, {V}, C, 'Uni',0); % Use ‘setdiff’
Result = [Out{:}] % Dsiplay Result (Not Necessary For The Code)