MATLAB: Communication toolbox function returns an error when the application is run in a standalone exe on another machine

communicationcommunication toolboxCommunications ToolboxMATLAB Compiler

I have Communication Toolbox license. The following line
hMod = comm.GMSKModulator('BitInput', false, 'InitialPhaseOffset', 0, 'PulseLength',4);
works fine on my PC in both Matlab and in a standalone executable.
But on another machine who dont have Matlab the standalone executable gives the following error:
Error in comm.internal.CPMModulatorBase/setParameters (line 108)
Please advice if someone has seen a similar issue.
Thank you

Best Answer

I think I found the fix:
hMod = comm.GMSKModulator('BitInput', false, 'InitialPhaseOffset', 0, 'PulseLength',4, 'BandwidthTimeProduct', 0.3, 'SymbolPrehistory', 1, 'SamplesPerSymbol', 8, 'OutputDataType', 'double')
hmod_step = comm.RaisedCosineReceiveFilter
For the executable to work the 2nd line had to be added.