MATLAB: Common pairs from all rows except first row (vector) and how many times….


A1=[1 4];
A2=[1 3 4];
A3=[1 2 3 4];
A4=[1 2 6 3 4];
I want common pairs from all row (vectors) except first row. It means my answer will be (3 4) and (1 2). May this is possible to print like this:
(Total no of row)………(Pair)…………(How many times)
4 (3 4) 3
4 (1 2) 2

Best Answer

A = {A1,A2,A3,A4};
C = cellfun(@(x) hankel(x(1:end-1),x(end-1:end)),A,'un',0);
[a,~,c] = unique(cat(1,C{:}),'rows');
ii = histc(c,1:size(a,1));
t = ii > 1;
out = [a(t,:), ii(t)]
sprintf('(%d %d) %d',out')